Optimal SaaS Free Trial Duration Uncovered - benchmarks and case studies

April 26, 2023

SaaS (Software as a Service) has transformed the way businesses operate. This subscription-based software model allows companies to access powerful tools without the need for costly infrastructure and maintenance. 

However, with an abundance of options in the market, it can be challenging for SaaS companies to attract and retain customers. One strategy that has proven effective is offering a free trial. 

In this article, we will uncover the optimal SaaS free trial length for SaaS companies, exploring various factors that influence trial length, the importance of industry context, and real-world case studies that highlight the relationship between trial duration and conversion rates.

Understanding Free Trial Duration

A free trial is a period during which potential customers can use a SaaS product without paying for it. This trial period allows users to explore the software's features and functionality, experience its benefits firsthand, and decide whether it is worth paying for after the trial period ends. 

The SaaS free trial length is a critical element that can impact the conversion rate or the percentage of trial users who convert to paying customers.

To determine the optimal trial duration, SaaS companies need to understand how SaaS free trial length works, how it influences user behavior, and the benefits of offering free trials. A good understanding of these factors can help SaaS companies design and implement effective free trial strategies.

Factors Influencing Trial Length

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to SaaS free trial length. Several factors can influence the ideal trial duration, including:

1- The Goal of the Trial 

The goal of a free trial is to provide potential customers with enough time to evaluate the software and make an informed purchase decision. The optimal trial duration is one that balances providing enough time for users to assess the product while encouraging them to convert quickly.

2- User Behavior During the Trial 

Users' behavior during the trial period can provide insights into the optimal trial duration. For example, if users are engaging with the software and completing the onboarding process quickly, it may indicate that the trial duration is appropriate. 

However, if users are not engaging with the software or taking a long time to complete the onboarding process, it may indicate that the trial duration is too short.

3- Product Complexity

The complexity of the software can impact the optimal trial duration. A more complex product may require a more extended trial period to allow potential customers to explore the software's features fully.

4- Industry Norms

Industry norms can also influence the optimal trial duration. SaaS companies need to consider what their competitors are doing and how their target audience perceives trial periods in their industry.

5- The Length of the Sales Cycle

The length of the sales cycle can impact the optimal trial duration. A longer sales cycle may require a more extended trial period to allow potential customers to evaluate the software fully.

6- Target Audience

The target audience's characteristics can impact the optimal SaaS free trial length. For example, B2B customers may require a more extended trial period to evaluate whether the software meets their business needs compared to B2C customers.

7- Pricing

The pricing of the SaaS product can also influence the trial length. A higher-priced product may require a more extended trial period to justify the cost, whereas a lower-priced product may only need a short trial period to convince the user to make a purchase.

8- Competition

The length of a trial period offered by competitors can influence the optimal trial length. If competitors are offering longer trials, it may be necessary to match or exceed their trial duration to remain competitive.

9- Onboarding Process 

The complexity of the onboarding process can impact the optimal trial length. A more complex onboarding process may require a more extended trial period to ensure that the user is fully onboarded and understands the software's features.

10- User Behavior

User behavior during the trial period can provide insights into the optimal trial length. If users are not engaging with the software or taking a long time to complete the onboarding process, it may be necessary to extend the trial duration.

By understanding these factors, SaaS companies can determine the best SaaS free trial length that maximizes conversions while providing potential customers with enough time to evaluate the software. 

Additionally, they can use these insights to improve their free trial strategies and increase the likelihood of converting trial users to paying customers.

The Importance of Industry Context

In addition to the factors mentioned above, it's essential to consider industry norms when determining the ideal SaaS free trial length. The length of your trial period can impact how your product is perceived within your industry, and deviating too far from industry standards can make your product less attractive to potential customers.

Industry context can influence the ideal trial length in several ways. Firstly, different industries have different customer expectations and behaviors, which can impact how they perceive your product's value. 

For example, if your product is in the financial services industry, potential customers may require a longer trial period to fully evaluate the product's capabilities before making a purchase decision. 

In contrast, if your product is in the social media management industry, a shorter trial period may be sufficient as the product's capabilities are relatively easy to understand.

Secondly, industry standards can influence the ideal trial length for your product. If the industry standard for free trials is 14 days, offering a trial period of only seven days may make your product appear less valuable. 

Similarly, if the industry standard is 30 days, offering a trial period of 14 days may not provide potential customers with enough time to fully evaluate your product.

Thirdly, industry context can also impact your competitors' trial periods. If your competitors offer a longer trial period, potential customers may perceive their product as more valuable, making it harder for you to acquire customers. 

In contrast, if your competitors offer a shorter trial period, you may be able to differentiate your product by offering a longer trial period, giving potential customers more time to fully evaluate your product's capabilities.

Therefore, it is essential to consider industry context when determining the optimal SaaS free trial length for your business. By understanding industry norms and customer expectations, you can set a trial length that is appropriate for your product and target audience, making it easier to acquire and retain customers.

Free Trial Duration Benchmarks

To determine the optimal SaaS free trial length for your business, it's essential to consider industry benchmarks. These benchmarks provide a starting point and can help you determine what trial length is appropriate for your product and target audience.

According to a study by Close, the median length of a SaaS free trial is 14 days. However, this can vary significantly depending on the industry. For example, the median trial length for financial services software is 30 days, while the median trial length for social media management software is seven days. Let’s check out some trial durations from different industries!

Trial Duration Case Studies

To determine the optimal SaaS free trial length, SaaS companies need to consider key metrics such as conversion rates, churn rates, and engagement metrics. Let's examine some real-world examples to showcase the relationship between trial length and conversion rates.

  • Basecamp

In 2013, Basecamp, a project management software company, tested various trial lengths ranging from 30 days to 60 days. They found that a 30-day trial period resulted in the highest conversion rate, with a 30% increase in conversions compared to a 60-day trial period.

  • Slack

Slack, a leading team communication platform, offers a free plan and a 30-day trial of its paid plans. The company analyzed that the 30-day trial led to a higher conversion rate than shorter trials, resulting in a significant increase in revenue.

Key Metrics

When determining the optimal trial duration, SaaS companies need to track and analyze key metrics such as:

  • Conversion rate

The percentage of free trial users who become paying customers.

  • Churn rate

The percentage of paying customers who cancel their subscription.

  • Engagement metrics

The level of user engagement during the trial period, such as the number of logins, features used, and time spent on the platform.

To learn more about SaaS key metrics check out our article titled 23 SaaS Metrics You Need to Track for Business Success in 2023


In conclusion, the optimal SaaS free trial length is an important element that can significantly impact conversion rates. SaaS companies need to consider various factors, such as product complexity, target audience, industry norms, and the length of the sales cycle when determining the ideal trial length.

It is crucial to track and analyze key metrics such as conversion rates, churn rates, and engagement metrics to assess the effectiveness of the trial strategy.

By finding the sweet spot for the trial duration, SaaS companies can maximize the benefits of free trials, such as increasing user engagement, reducing churn, and ultimately driving revenue growth. 

A well-designed free trial strategy can also help SaaS companies stand out from their competitors, improve brand recognition, and establish customer loyalty. Therefore, SaaS companies should continue to refine their free trial strategy to provide potential customers with the best experience and increase the likelihood of converting trial users into paying customers.